Donny Mores Munthe, S.H.
He complete his scholar at the University of Borobudur in 2009, with concentration in Civil Law Inheritance. Later in 2010 followed the PKPA-Yan Apul and Founders.
Early in 2011 has worked in Section UBKK (Business Consumer Credit Unit), bank of BCA, for 1 year, and in January 2012 has moved to the DSS & Partners until now.
While joining DSS & Partners he has been engaged to handle a variety of Criminal and Civil cases, such acts of corruption at the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission), cases of embezzlement and other criminal issues.
Email : donnymores[at]
Ia menyelesaikan pendidikan S-1 di Universitas Borobudur pada tahun 2009, dengan konsentrasi Hukum Perdata Waris. Selanjutanya pada Tahun 2010 mengikuti PKPA di Yan Apul an Founders.
Awal tahun 2011 bekerja di Bank BCA di Bagian UBKK (Unit Bisnis Kredit Konsumer) selama 1 tahun, dan pada bulan Januari tahun 2012 pindah ke DSS & Partners hingga saat ini.
Selama bergabung di DSS & Partners telah terlibat menangani berbagai kasus Pidana dan perdata, seperti Tindak Pidana Korupsi din KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi), kasus Penggelapan dan masalah criminal lainnya.
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